
Short Fill or Long Fill? Which is right for me?

  • 2 min read

Short Fill or Long Fill? Which is right for me?

Short Fill E-Liquid – (Most Popular)

A Short Fill E-liquid comes pre filled with 50ml 100% VG vapable liquid leaving enough room for 10ml of either a nic / salt shot or to keep it nicotine free, a base mix such as VG or PG.

Using a 10ml 18mg nic shot, the resulting mix will complete the Short Fill at 3mg / 0.3% nicotine.

Use the following guide to mix the correct amount of nicotine to your Shortfill e liquid

Long Fill E-Liquid

A Long Fill E Liquid comes prefilled with the concentrate only. This is not vapable and allows you to customise the mix more to your personal requirements.

To keep the Long Fill nicotine free, you can use a combination of VG and / or PG to form the mix of your choice. The full bottle will be 60ml.

To add nicotine, simply purchase an amount of Nic shots or Nic Salt shots to create the desired nicotine strength you require. One nic shot will add 3mg / 0.3% to the final strength with a maximum of 5 nic shots to fill the bottle.

For example. If you are wanting the final strength to be 6mg nicotine you will need two nic shots topped with 30ml plain VG and or PG.

The maximum strength a Long Fill can offer using nic shots is 15 mg / 1.5% nicotine.

If you have access to 72 mg / 7.2% nicotine you can use a nicotine calculator to increase this. Set the calculator to a final mix of 60ml including 6ml flavouring.

Use the following guide to mix the correct amount of nicotine to your Longfill e liquid

Purchase our Short Fill E Liquids if you are looking for a 100% VG E Liquid at a strength of 3mg / 0.3% nicotine or nicotine free.

Purchase our Long Fill E Liquids if you are looking a VG and / or PG mix at strengths up to 15 mg / 1.5% nicotine strength.

We sell both Nic Shot / Salts and VG / PG bases in combinations to go with both our Short Fill and Long Fill E Liquids.

Please refer to our Nic Shot chart for exact perecentages.
